My Progress On My 20% Project
Me and my partner Ava are going to put our random act of kindness into action in a couple of days or so, but in the meantime we are trying our best to getting it done we are working on the notes right now. We don’t know what we are going to do next for our random act of kindness but we will sure try. Our mentor is Mrs. Crigger. We know that as a fact because she responded to the email we sent her asking her to be our mentor and she said that she is very excited to put our project into action. We are very happy that we got Mrs. Crigger to be our mentor because she is the principle at man and she is really into the orange frog which in Mann land it is the symbol of kindness. We always use to say be orange and that’s the color for kindness and whenever I think of my old school, I would think of being kind and that’s why we chose Mrs. Crigger to be our mentor and that’s why we are doing random acts of kindness.
My Favorite Things
The best thing I love out of everything is music and my favorite song is Havana made by Camila Cabello because I just think that her voice is so beautiful and its defiantly better than mine. I have another favorite and it is Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift. I like this song because I love the way its worded and it explains why she made the song by the words she put in it. It also explains how she feels about her and Katy Perry having a fight. My third and final song is Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Seeran the reason I love this song is because the harmony is amazing the lyrics went with the song very well and that song is telling me that Taylor swift and Ed Sheeran might have a relationship, but that song was made in June 6, 2013 so that relationship might have past if they even had one but if that relationship still went on I would be perfectly fine with it because I think they would be great together. If you want to listen to everything has changed then click here and you can see what I mean when I say I think they have a relationship.
If I where to go somewhere I would go to Utah or pairs,France because they both have very beautiful views so who wouldn’t want to see very beautiful views I mean thats what you want to look at when you on a vacation am I right? If I ever go to Paris, France or Utah it will be a dream come true. If you didn’t know I have really never left Kentucky except to go to Texas to see my family that lives there. I would really like to go to Utah because I would really like to see the canyons and the reason I want to see the canyon because they look so beautiful in the sunset and in the day. If you want to see some pictures of Utah then click here. If you want to see some pictures of the Ifle Tower.
My favorite thing to do in the middle of the week to do is go to church on Wednesdays because I get to see my friends and I get to here a great pasture speak about everything herd that’s happening in my life and if I did not go to church I would not be the person I am now I would be a completely different person. After the service we have something called small group its where one group of boys or one group of girls get together after service and just talk about stuff that’s happening in there life’s, good and bad. I love small groups personally because I feel like I can trust them because I just feel like the people in my small group are really nice and wouldn’t do something like that and I’m really happy I’m in a small group because it has really been helping me with my church life and my home life. I love my small group leaders because they are really nice and there names are Libby and Ella. If you want to be apart of this then click here to get the times, address, day, and all that. by the way I go to 7 Hills Church.
Okay, people, in the comments I want you to tell me something that you love whether its that you love to go to church like me or you love going places anything you love to do.
gusdiaz via Compfight
My Favorite Holidays
One of my favorite holidays is Easter because I get to hunt for eggs and its really fun because we hide our eggs in really hard places like we hide them in trees, bushes and all sorts of places. Another thing that I love about Easter is that we get to eat candy! I love candy and what kid doesn’t like candy I mean come on people its obvious. My favorite candy is sour patch kids because they are sour and I love sour things. I’m more of a sour candy person than a chocolate candy person. If you want to know some interesting facts about Easter then click on this link.
My second favorite holiday is Halloween because you get to dress up as something you have always wanted to be like you could be a peacock or you could be Harley Quin who knows you can be anything because you are suppose to disguise yourself so nobody knows who you are. If you want to see some interesting costumes then click or tap here but if you want to see some interesting facts about Halloween then click or tap here
My third favorite holiday is Christmas because well for one you can get cool presents like toys, guns, clothes and so much more. My favorite part of Christmas is picking out our Christmas tree. And I know some of you are thinking why do you get a real Christmas tree? Well to answer your question we get a real Christmas tree because its a tradition and we are the only people in our family that do it so we are very proud. The other reason we do it is because we think that a lot of people buy fake ones instead of real ones witch they should buy I don’t know why they don’t and if you get a real tree then good for you. Back to what I was saying we thought that people didn’t buy real ones and all that work that tree farmers did to get those trees to the stores is just a waste of time. If you want to see more Christmas trees then click here but if you want to know some interesting facts about Christmas then click here.
My fourth and final favorite season is new years eve because you get to stay up late and who doesn’t want to stay up late am I right. I also like waiting for the ball to drop and declaring that its a new years but I’m really excited for 2018 -2024 why 2024 glad you asked I mentioned 2024 because that’s when I will most likely graduate from school. And I cant wait for that to come true. I am also excited for this holiday because I get to see all my family members. The family member that I’m the most excited to see is my little sister Aubrey she is the cutest 2 year old you have ever seen and I’m not kidding when I say cute. I am also excited to see my grandma because she makes the best food ever she is a really good cook. If you want to know some fun facts about new years eve then click here.
Richard Ricciardi via Compfight
Facts About The Violin
I play the violin and there is a lot that you don’t know about them. That’s when I come in in this blog. I am going to give you really cool facts about violins.
The first fact is that the modern violin has been around for 500 years. That’s a long time. That means that the violin was created in 1517. That is so old.
The second fact is crazy. Did you know that when you play the violin for an hour, you are burning 170 calories. That’s nuts!
The third fact is that violins are typically comprised of spruce and maple wood. You probably already know that, but I just wanted to throw that out there just in case.
The fourth fact is that violins are complex. Over 70 different pieces of wood are put together to form the modern violin.
Fact number five is that the most expensive violin in the world was made by Giuseppe Guarnieri in 1741. This amazing violin was appraised with the value of $85 million dollars.
The 6th fact did you know that a bow has 150 to 200 hairs. They can be made up of a variety of materials, including nylon and horse hair, which you probably already knew that, but just in case some of you people don’t play the violin.
The 7th fact is that Violin strings were first made of sheep gut (commonly known as cat gut), which was stretched, dried, and twisted. Other materials violin strings have been made out of include: solid steel, stranded steel, or various synthetic materials, wound with various metals, and sometimes plated with silver.
The 8th fact is that A 3-string version of the violin was portrayed in an early 16th Century painting from Ferrera, Italy, thought to be used as solely a dance-music instrument.
The 9th fact is that a beroza is a pasty substance used for rubbing the bow of a sārangi, violin.
The 10th fact is that Shin’ichi Suzuki, a Japanese violin teacher, founded the Tokyo String Orchestra which introduced baroque music to Japanese listeners.
The 11th fact is that in the early 1900s America saw the emergence of renowned African American fiddlers like Howard Armstrong, who in 1930 recorded what is now a regarded as a legendary session for Vocation Records with the Tennessee Chocolate Drops and played in the 1933 World’s Fair.
The 12th fact is that the electronic violin is a semi‐electric instrument developed in 1938 by Marshall Moss, leader of the National Symphony Orchestra, Washington, and William Bartley, an engineer. The 13th and final fact is that in 1759 Joseph Merlin invented roller-skates. To introduce his invention he entered a ballroom playing the violin. Unfortunately he did not know how to stop and crashed into a full-length mirror, breaking his violin.
About Mr.Jackson
Mr. Jackson is the vice principle at Gray Middle School and I asked him a few questions.
Q: How long have you been working at Gray?
A: Four years.
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: E.K.U.
Q: When you where a 6th grader how was your experience?
A: His dad was his principle and he did not like school.
Q: Have you had any previous jobs?
A: Yes he was a high school math teacher for eight years.
Q: What year did this school progress the most?
A: 2016.
Q: what is your favorite part of being a vice principle?
A: Gets to talk to more kids.
Spread The Happiness
My project is called spread the happiness, and I can’t forget that my partner is Ava. We chose this title because we are wanting to make everyone happy. We want to do one random act of kindness at least once a month but where not sure yet.
I am feeling four emotions for this project the first one is that I’m really excited for this project because we are going to make the people that have a rain cloud over there head have a sun over there head. The second one is nervous because what if the person that we try to make happy doesn’t get happy. the third one is happy because when I see someone happy that makes me happy to.
For the month of November we are going to get the supplies we need and we are also going to put are plan into action. The way we are going to put oyr plan into action is that we are going to go to the Kroger parking lot and put nice note in peoples windshields. We do not know what random act of kindness we will do next but I can tell you this much we might make small gifts and put them on peoples door step, but the thing is we might get into trouble, but we might not we’ll have to find out.
Check out my partner Ava’s blog. See my Visual Aide for more information.
say goodbye to copy writing
activity 1
how do you not copy write someone’s work? All you have to do when you use someone’s picture is cite who you got it from. I learned that it is legal if you put a link to where/who you got it from. when you are doing this you need to include four things. you will need to put the author(who made the picture),date(when the picture was made),the title, and a link to where you got your picture from.
activity 2